
Icon SunFilledIcon MoonStars


Icon SunFilledIcon MoonStars

Icon LinkDeveloper Quickstart

This guide will walk developers through writing a smart contract in Sway, a simple test, deploying to Fuel, and building a frontend.

Before we begin, it may be helpful to understand the terminology that will be used throughout the docs and how they relate to each other:

  • Fuel: the Fuel blockchain.
  • FuelVM: the virtual machine powering Fuel.
  • Sway: the domain-specific language crafted for the FuelVM; it is inspired by Rust.
  • Forc: the build system and package manager for Sway, similar to Cargo for Rust.

Icon LinkUnderstand Sway Program Types

There are four types of Sway programs:

  • contract
  • predicate
  • script
  • library

The main features of a smart contract that differentiate it from scripts or predicates are that it is callable and stateful.

A script is runnable bytecode on the chain which can call contracts to perform some task. It does not represent ownership of any resources and it cannot be called by a contract.

See the chapter on program types for more information.

A few pieces of info that will be helpful before moving on:

  • This guide was created using VSCode as the code editor.
  • Download the Sway language extension in VSCode to get syntax highlighting, keyboard shortcuts, and more.
  • Download the rust-analyzer extension in VSCode to get syntax highlighting, code completion, and more.